We understand that it is a big step to contact an organisation like ours. If you do not feel you are ready for this step but want some practical advice then this page is designed for you.

The charity Step Change have a very comprehensive site which also includes a comprehensive tool which will enable you to assess your financial situation. Please use this link and fill in all the details on the screens.

When you are ready to take the step of asking for help call us free on 0800 028 4170 to arrange a free no obligation appointment. Click here for details.

A few basic ideas if you find yourself in debt:

  1. Accept the golden rule that you need to work out a budget so that the money coming in is more than the money going out. If you have Microsoft Excel, we recommend using the "Common Financial Statement" as this is the industry standard tool. It can be downloaded from the web site www.moneyadvicetrust.org
  2. Make a list of all the people you owe money to and how much. Then work out which debts should be given priority such as rent.
  3. Then make fair offers using the amount your income exceeds your expenditure to each of your creditors.

For more detailed information you may find this self help guide produced by Community Money Advice helpful.